Atwood, John T.
Data on horizontal and vertical ranges were taken from more than
3000 herbarium specimens and analyzed for patterns of distribution.
Maxillaria (sensu lato) comprises about 9% (106 of about
1200 spp.) of Costa Rican Orchidaceae. Costa Rican species of
Maxillaria, which range from 0-3250m, include more than
22% of the genus(ca 475 spp). Species diversity is greatest at
1000-1500 m where 72 spp. are known. About 20 species are known
only from Costa Rica (19%) although four of these are expected
to be found in neighhoring countries. However, endemism is increased
to 39% with the inclusion of ranges in neighboring Panama. The
20 species acepted as endemic cover the full vdertical range of
the non-endemic species with peak diversity correspondingly similar
at 1250-1500 m. Twenty-eight percent of the spectes range northward
while 73% range southward a number that could increase to 79%
if extended southern range limits of other taxa can be established.
Only 22% range both northward and southward. At least 49% range
only southward while less than 7% range only northward, a percentage
that could fall to 2% if range limits of several taxa are extended
into Panamá. Only 10% of the Costa Rican species range
from Costa Rica into South America. Not unexpectedly, widths of
horizontal and vertical ranges are moderately correlaled (r=0,3149,
P-0.00000) witch probaly is a reflection of ecological tolerance.
Conservation strategies for Costa Rican species of Maxillaria
involving large habitat preservation efforts should on mid elevation
sites and include at least western Panama. However, such strategies
would require that endemics at elevation extremes be considered
Válka Alves, Ruy J.
From long before CITES, though the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development, till the present, the effects of
collecting wild plants in different parts of the world is being
ferventhy discussed: While the layman finds it easier to simply
condemn any collection at all, researchers and private growers
alike find themselves in the midst of a bureaucratic maelstrom
wich tends to support that position. The potential for propagation
and conservation by private collections is discussed in the light
of new evidence and specific examples are provided is this lecture,
pocused on the particular case of collectors in the Czech Republic.
(Slides are presented).
Two distinct techniques of executing floral analysis in orchids
are presented. The first involves the use of a slide projector
and the second the use of a darkroom equipped with black and white
photography materials. The importance of floral analysis is discussed
for the family.
Luer, Carlyle A.
The Fahkahatchee Swamp is an extensive, inundated forest in southwestern
Florida. It was logged for cypress before and during World War
II, but some virgin portions remais. The rest has partially regenerated
during the past 50 years. Aproximately 25 species of epiphytic
orchids from the nearby parts of tropical America can still be
found there. Nome is endemic.
Photographs of the swamp and each of the orchids that ocurs there
will be shown and briefly discussed.
Hirtz, Alexander
The Amazon has one of the highest bio-diversities in the world.
The last glaciation ended about 1200 years ago, where the Amazon
was at least 5ºC cooler. The vegetarion was mainly Podocarpus
conifer forests in the Upper Amazon, and savannahs and deserts
in the Lower Amazon, inhabited by the famous mega-mammals, now
extinct. Dramatic climate change to tropical heat triggered adaptive
radiation, the evolutionary process by which a species diversifies
into a large number of new species. Thousands of orchid and other
plant species, and a million insects species appeared in a few
centuries in this new born ecosystem of the Amazon. Random mutations
started to produce variability eithin the new species and natural
selection started to eliminate the weak.
Orchids, like every organbic life being, must sense, be aware,
and respond to its changing surroundings. Becoming more clever
every day, are now enslaving the mycorrhiza, prisoners in the
orchid's roots, for these to feed nutrients to the new master
taken from the bark or the organic soil, which only fungi is capable
of braking down. Bacteria can obtain or transmit genetic information
relatively freely, such that taxonomicaly different "species"
can trade genes at any time. Endosymbioant bacteria, incorporated
as organelles in the cells of orchids, seem able again to obtain
genetic information, this time about the needs and desires of
insects. When abrupt adaptive radiation takes place, the new species
of orchids will have matched the requirements of insects, inducing
them to pollinate the orchid's flower.
The Amazon is a new born baby, with no time to mature. The introduction
of exotic life forms into this embryonic ecosystem is changing
it. Planet Earth requires the reduction of COO to keep itself
cool and needs the forests of the Amazon. We need new formulas
for sustainable growth. If all you do is stop buying jungle colected
orchids or expensive tropical wood, for survival, Amazonians will
have to cut trees tenfold and sell it as charcoal. Don't just
say don't. Life a single whole and we are part of Life. We heal
the Amazon, we heal ourselves.
S. Reidl and A. Hirtz have founded TROPICAL 2000. With personal
funds, S. Reidl is buinding a controversial sailboat to sail single-handed
the Vendee Globe Challenge around the world, the goal: world awareness
to the sailboats name: "PROJECTO AMAZON".
Van den Berg, Cassio1 e Paulo Sodero Martins2
* This study is part of the first author's Master of Science Thesis,
presented to the Postgraduation in Ecology. Biology Institute.
Campinas State University (UNICAMP), whith the second author as
1Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) and Departamento
de Genética, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz
Queiroz" USP. Caixa Postal 83. CEP 13400-970, Piracicaba,
São Paulo, BRASIL
The genus Cattleya has 51 species. of which 29 occur in
Brazil and 23 are endemic to this country. Distribution maps and
information about the morphological variability in a populational
sense are quite rare, although there are several studies in a
taxonomic view. Finally it remain in the genus some doubtful closely
related pairs of species; Cattleya loddigesii and Cattleya
harrisoniana, Cattleya granulosa and Cattleya schofieldiana,
Cattleya guttata and Cattleya leopoldii, Cattleya
warneri and Cattleya labiata. This study aimed at drafting
good distribution maps of each species and analysing the morphological
variability of each species inside its geographical range in a
taxonomic view, we intended to check the differences between doubtful
species pairs. We used data from botanical material deposited
in 20 brazilian herbaria to draft the distribution maps. We assessed
morphological variability within 75 population sites using 1446
plants of 21 species. These plants were collected between 1950
and 1980 and have been kept under standard growing conditions
at Departamento de Genética, ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, São
Paulo, Brazil. We measured 25 floral and 4 vegetative variables
of each plant, which were analyzed by multivariate statistical
methods (Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Discriminant
Analysis). The results of this study were: detailed distribution
maps for all species, an evaluation of the taxonomic validity
of the doubtful species and information about the intraspecifical
morphological differences. Additionaly we accomplished theoretical
inferences about biogeography and evolution of brazilian Cattleyas,
by comparing the geographical patterns we found with paleoiogeographical
studies in angiosperms, birds and butterflies.
Wickramasinghe, Rohan H.
Sri Lanka is an island located to the south east of India and
between East Africa and Malasia. Though the country is small (area
65,610, its fama and flora are of considerable evolutionary
interest, parthy due to their isolation on and island parthy due
to the variety of climatic zones. The lnd rises from sea level
to central highlands of up to 2524m elevation, while districts
may very considerably one from the other in annual rainfall.
Due to the above factors, there is considerable endemicity present
in types of fauna and flora. Among the orchids, of the 167 indigenous
species seventy six are endermic.
The foundation of the taxonomyu of Sri Lanka's indigenous orchids
was presented by Jayaweera in the revision of the "Handbook
to the Flora of Ceylon" originally published by Trimen in
1893 to 1900 in five volumes. However, insufficient study has
been made of the biology of these species.
Many or most of the indigenous orchids of Sri Lanka may be presumed
to be under severepressure due to factors such as jungle clearing,
urbanisation, climate change, pollution and loss of pollinators
Some of the species may be extinct already. A study has thus been
initiated on aspects of the natural history of Sri Lanka's orchids.
The present contribution is the second par of these studies which
it is hoped will assist and encourage establishing a programme
of conservation of these species.
Waechter, Jorge Luiz
Geographic patterns and diversity gradients of epiphytic orchids
in eastern subtropical South America were analysed. The study
area was defined by the there South Brazilian states, Paraná,
Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, and the two amphiplatean
territories, Uruguay and Buenos Aires (province). This northeast
- southwest latitudinal strip is totally included in a region
with subtropical or warm-temperate moist climate, associeted with
eastern margins of the continents. The floristic survey a broad
analysis at the generic level and a detailed investigation of
a smaller segment, the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul, at
the specific level. Basic information for geographical documentation
was compiled from regional floras and orchid revisions. The Riograndean
Coastal Plain was intestigated by intensive and estensive field
work. A relatively high number of neotropical orchid general with
epiphytes extends southwards into eastern subtropical South America.
In this region, a manifested latitudinal gradient in generic diversity
was detected, with a major impoverishment southern of Rio Grande
do Sul. Many genera were represented by a single species. The
detailed investigation of the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul
evidenced that diversity and distribution of epiphytic orchids
are strongly associated with e latitudinal decrease in temperature
and rainfall, and to a major geographic barrier, namely the end
of the Brazilian coastal mountainous system (about 30º south),
originally covered with the dense and moist tropical-like Atlantic
Cribb, Phillip
Cypridedium is a genus of some 45 species which
ranges throughout north temperate regions of both the Old and
New Worlds. At the northermmost limit of its range, two species
are found in the Kamchatka Peninsula in Siberia, while three species
are found in Alaska. In the south, four species reach the Himalayas
while, in the Americas, C. irapeanum is found as far south
as Honduras. A number of the species and their habitats will be
discussed here.
The closely related genera of slipper orchids Paphiopedilum
and Phragmipedium, both popular in cultivation, are well
known in comparison with Cypripedium. Herbarium studies
and field work in China, Mexico, the United States and Europe
by the author has led to an improvement in our knowledge of the
classification, distribution and phylogeny of the genus Complementary
work on the molecula systematics of Cypripedium by my colleague,
Tony Cox, at Kew has also greatly increased our understanding
of relationships in the genus.
Cypripedium species have always been popular in cultivation
but have not been very easy to obtain except from the wild. Fortunately,
improvements in in vitro cultivation from seed has meant
that a number of species are now more widely available. Furthermore,
cultural knowledge has increased dramatically over the past five
years and growers now stand a better chance of success with cypripediums
than ever before. Another interesting development has been the
raising in Germany and the United States of a number of interspecific
hybrids. These grow to flowering size more quickly than the parental
species and appear to be more vigorous as well. If this thend
continues I anticipate that cypripediums will rapidly gain an
increasing following amongst orchid frowers.
Garcia-Cruz, Carlos J. & Eric Hágsater
En el presente estudio se realizó una revisión taxonómica
de las especies del grupo Epidendrum anisatum, el cual
está formado por 19 especies de las cuales 4 fueron propuestas
como nuevas durante el desarrollo del presente trabajo. El grupo
se endémico para México, distribuyéndose
principalmente a lo largo de la vertiente pacifica del pais y
el e je volcánico transversal, en los bosques de pino y
de pino encino a una altitud que va de 1500-300 m s.n.m. Este
grupo se reconoce por presentar plantar con un hábito cespitoso,
con las hojas angostas, lanceoladas, distribuidas principalmente
en la mitad apical del tallo y por tener inflorescencias racemosas,
las cuales florecen en anos sucesivos a partir de los nudos del
pedúnculo de la inflorescencia principal, dando la apariencia
de ser pluriracemosas cuando la planta ha florecido durante varios
anos. En el tratamiento taxonómico se incluye una clave
para la determinación de los taxa, descripciones morfolóficas,
la sinonímia correspondente e información sobre
la ecologia y los tipos de vegetación para cada una de
las especies del grupo en estudio. Por otro lado, también
se describe tanto la anatomia foliar como la morfologia del polinario
en las entidades del grupo E. anisatum. Además,
con los datos obtenidos en los diferentes estudios se realizó
un análisis fenético (análisis de conglomerados
y análisis de coordenadas principales), para identificar
la simitud morfológica entre los diferentes taxa del grupo.
Finalmente se describen los patrones de distribución que
se presentan en el grupo E. anisatum, así como sus
posibles tendencias evolutivas.
Sánchez Saldaña, Luis M. & Eric Hágsater
Tradicionalmente se había considerado a Epidendrum difforme
Jacq. como una especie muy variable y ampliamente distribuida
en el neotrópico, desde México y Floriada hasta
Brasil y Bolivia, incluyendo las Antillas, ocupando una diversidad
de hábitats que abarca múltiples tipos de bosques
tropicales de tierras bajas y de montaña, en un intervalo
altitudinal que va del nivel del mar hasta cerca de 2700m. Sin
embargo, estudios recientes sugieren que se trata de la morfologia
floral y vegetativa, su distribución geográfica
y sus preferencias ecológicas.
El complejo de Epidendrum difforme Jacq., parece constituir
un grupo natural dentro del gênero Epidendrum L.,
y se distingue de otros grupos del género por las plantas
con hojas suculentas, coninflorescencia terminal, sésil
o cortamente penduculada, subumbelada, sin espata que cubra el
pedúnculo, las flores generalmente carnosas, verdes o en
ocasiones blancas.
En el estudio se realizóel examen detallado de numerosos
ejemplares vivos y herborizados del complejo E. difforme,
de los cueles se resgistraron diversas características
vegetativas y florales, algunas han sido útiles para separar
las especies (sección transversal del tallo, forma y tamaño
del labelo, columna arqueada o recta, prominencias apicales de
la columna, tamaño del clinandrio con respecto a la columna,
floración simultánea o sucesiva). También
se registró la información sobre la procedencia
(localidad), el hábitat (altitud, tipo de vegetación)
y la fenologia (floración, fructificación).
La informacion anterior permitió el reconocimiento de 55
especies, en las cuales las características diagnósticas
son constantes y presentam patrones de distribución definidos.
Uno de los patrones detectados está representado por aquellas
especies con una distribución restringida, como ocurre
con algunas especies de la Cordillera Central de Costa Rica, en
donde se presenta un gradiente altitudinal en el cual las especies
están separadas debido a sus preferencias ecológicas.
Otro patrón involucra a aquellas especies con una amplia
distribución geográfica, algunas ocupando diferentes
tipos de habitats y con poco variación intraespecifica.
Un tercer patrón está representado por especies
que ocupan un área relativamente amplia y continua y con
una considerable variación intraespecífica. Morfologicamente
y de acuerdo a la forma y el tamaño del labelo se tienen
evidencias de que las formas de labelo entero se encuentran distribuidas
hasta centroamérica, las formas de labelo trilobado con
lóbulo medio subcuadrado y en el cual se incluye a E.
difforme presentan un patrón de distribución
en Centroamérica y las Antillas, por último las
especies con labelo grande tienen su distribución generalmente
en Suramérica.
Pridgeon, Alec M., and Mark W. Chase
Subtribe Catasetinae Schlechter comprises five genera:
Catasetum, Cycnoches, Clowesia, Dressleria, and Mormodes.
According to Romero, the morphological synapomorphies characterizing
the subtribe include a stripe streched over the rostellum at anthesis
(propelling the pollinarium onto the euglossine be pollinator)
and flowers that are either protandrous or unisexual. We have
produced nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences for 20 ingroup species
(including both subgener of Catasetum) and 10 outgroup
species in subtribe Cyrtopodiinae. Sequences were subjected
to parsimony analysis and the results compared both with relationships
derived from morphological data sets and preliminary chloroplast
DNA sequences. Our results demonstrate that all five genera of
Catasetinae are monophyletic and fall into two clades. In one
clade Clowesia is sister to Catasetum. Subgenus
Pseudocatasetum as currently defined is not monophyletic.
In the second clade Cycnoches is sister to Mormodes
and Dressleria sister to them both. These results as well
as those from chloroplast DNA studies suggest that bisexuality
with protandry has arisen twice in the evolution of the subtribe.
Werkhoven, Marga C. M.
The population and the four different landscapes of Suriname,
the hilly/mountainous ares, the Cover landscape, the Old Coastal
Plain, and the Young Coastal plain are discussed and illustrated
with slides, including the geomorphology, ecosystems and orchid
diversity. Until present, for Suriname 109 orchid genera have
been recorded with 380-395 species. The diversity in orchid species
changes between 350m and 500m above sea-level.
Since the implementation of the Nature Conservation Law of 1954,
thirteen nature reserves, one nature park and one multiple-use
management area have been established. These protected areas cover
more than 800,000ha, or 4.8% of the country.
Attempts have also been made to integrate nature conservation
into regional development plans. The tradicional rights and interests
of the inhabitants of the interior have also been taken into account.
Although much research still has to be done, one may assume that
most of the typical ecosystems of the Guianan region which occur
in Suriname, are preserved in large nature reserves.
Suriname became a member of CITES on 15 February 1981, and party
to the Convention on Biological Diversity in April 1996. The Forest
Management ct (1992) covers the export of all plant species which
occur in the wild. At present wild orchids may be exported only
if the species are mentioned on a special list and according preliminary
quota per exporter per shipment or per family per journey.
In 1993, Suriname took the desperate step (due to economic decline)
of inviting Asian investors to explore possibilities for establishing
multi-million hectare concessions. Until now, only 1 concession
of 1,500,000 ha has been granted. The annual deforestation rate
is, at the moment, less than 0.1 percent. Suriname has one of
the world highest proportions of forest cover. Lets hope that
the 'National Strategy on the Sustainable Use and Conservation
of the Biological Diversity", one of the objectives of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, will save our natural ecosystems
and the diversity of orchids.
Paiva Castro, Vitorino
O presente estudo tem por objetivo discutir as propostas de subdivisão
do Gênero e sua nomenclatura, e mesmo que a discussão
dos nomes atuais das espécie e nova denominação
proposta. Uma chave de identificação é apresentada
como orientação para o reconhecimento das espécies.
É apresentada a área de distribuição
geográfica e suas características climáticas,
e os métodos de cultivo das espécies do gênero
Stocker, G.C.
The characterístics of orchid habitats in Papua New Guinea
are described as an aid to the cultivation of the many orchid
species indigenous to this Island.
Habitat temperatures appear to be of primary importante. Unfortunately
they can vary significantly from those obtained by standard meteorogical
methods. nevertheless, there is a useful relationship between
habitat temperature and elevation. The lack of seasonal variation
is also noteworthy.
Rainfall patterns in the lowlands may be quite variable but favourable
to epyphyte development over most of the country. At higher elevations
rain and mists provide sufficient moisture for a multitude of
small to medium sized epiphytes.
Little information is a available about light conditions. While
cloudiness appear to be a factor limiting the amount available
for plant growth in some localities, long periods of continuous
cover only occur in regions where the monsoonal influence is strong.
It is concluded that cultivators of PNG orchid species should
be particularly mindful of the altitudinal distribution of the
species being grown and use this information as guide to assessing
the optimal temperature regime for their greenhouse.
Gonzáles Valera, N., Gonzáles Pérez M.A.,
Marcano M. & Vivas M.
Izoenzyme electrophoresis on agarose gell was used the examine
variation at O gene loci in some venezuelan orchids belonging
to the genera Phragmipedium, Oncidium, Odontoglossum, Epidendrum,
Catasetum, Pleurothallis, Restrepia and others. Each species
can be identified by the bands generated in the assay. They differ
from the electrophoretic mobilities in almost three loci. Thus,
species identification is easy by this analysis and probably,
hybrids can be detected in this way. Electrophoretic data are
concordant with the view that all these species are related by
our results differ from a classification based on morphological
Kerbauy, Gilberto
As raízes de um modo geral podem ser consideradas órgãos
com grau de complexidade estrutural relativamente baixo, não
formando nós, entre-nós, gemas laterais, folhas,
flores, etc. Suas funções resumem-se mormente à
fixação e absorção de água
e nutrientes. Poucas são as espécies vegetais com
raízes capazes de formar gemas diretamente nos ápices
meristemáticos. Estudos realizados neste laboratório
têm evidenciado que a formação de protocormóides
("protocorm-like bodies") em ápices isolados
de raízes de plantas orquidáceas pode ocorrer sob
duas rotas morfogenéticas distintas. Em Oncidium e
Cattleya (Kerbauy 1964a, 1993), plantas consideradas recalcitrantes,
a generação ocorre após cerca de 9 a 12 meses
de incubação. Nestas, os explantes radiculares originam
inicialmente uma estrutura complexa, o calóide, sobre os
quais se formam então os protocormóides. A regeneração
é por isto do tipo indireto, sendo a presença de
citocininas e auxinas no meio de cultura, condição
"sine que non" à formação de ambas
estruturas. Por outro lado, os ápices radiculares isolados
de Catasettum e gêneros afins, são capazes
de se converter diretamente em protocormóides em menos
de uma semana (Kerbauy, 1984b), sendo este processo acelerado
por citocininas e etileno e retardado por auxinas (Colli &
Kerbauy, 1993). A luz inibe e o escuro estimula este processo.
Fontes de nitrogênio orgânico e níveis elevados
de açúcares inibem prolongadamente a formação
dos protocormóides. Durante o processo de conversão
as divisões celulares do ápice radicular não
sõ interrompidas em nenhum momento (conversão direta).
Através das abordagens em andamento neste laboratório
sobre a definição dos níveis endógenos
de vários fitormônios, a atividade gênica específica,
o metabolismo do nitrogênio e de carboidratos, etc, esperamos
adquirir, num futuro próximo, uma melhor compreensão
sobre este evento incomum e dramático de diferenciação
celular em plantas.
La Croix, Isobyl F.1 e Arno Brune2
Several orchids from this picturesque tiny island country are
unknown, as never before a systematic effort has been made to
collect and classificy orchid species alone. Endemism on the two
island is fairly high as plants and animals in general are concerned,
probably due to the great variation in environmental conditions.
It is expected that this degree of endemism applies to orchids
as well.
From February 1994 to the end of March 1996 collections were made
i all parts of the country which could be reached by the second
author, who did this in his spare time. In all over 120 plants
werc collected and classified by the first autohor, whenever flowering
ocured. Some plants, due to phenotypic similarity and because
they occurred at the same site, received the same number. However,
when flowering, some of those proved to be different species,
so that the number of species thought tooccur inthat country has
been increasing. Two new species have been found, but might well
increase further. One of these has been described.
Kleber Garcia de Lacerda, Jr.
The profusion of synonyms on the genus Catasetum L.C. Rich.
is known anyone that ventures to study it; it is guessed there
is an average of 3,5 synonyms for each valid species. Many are
the causes, besides obviously the publications made without a
through understanding of the genus, and noteworthy are:
1 - Flower polymorphism
These reasons, some of them exacerbated in recent years, are making
a revision of the genus very difficult by the specialists, which
have to get to an agreeement to minimize them.
Marie Selby Botanical Gradens, 811 s. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL
34236, USA
MUSEU NACIONAL - Depto. de Botânica
Quinta da Boa Vista,
Rio de Janeiro 20940-040, RJ, BRASIL
3222 Old Oak Drive
Sarasota, Fl 34239, USA
P.O. Box: 17-1200358, Quito - ECUADOR
2Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior de
Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"/USP, Caixa Postal 83,
CEP 13400-970, Piracicaba, São Paulo, BRASIL
Institute for Tropical Enviromental Studies, 41 Flower Road, Colombo
7, SRI LANKA (Fax No.: 00941575294, e-mail ik).
UFRGS - Depto. Botânica, Av. Paulo Gama s/n, 90046-900 Porto
Alegre, RS, BRASIL
The Herbarium
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey TW 9 3 AE, U.K.
Herbario de la Asociación Mexicana de Orquideologia, A.C.
Aparato Postal 53-123, 11320 México D.F., MÉXICO
Herbário de la Asociación Mexicana de Orquideologia
A.C. (AMO),
Aparato Postal 53-123, 11320 México D.F., MÉXICO
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, U.K.
Senior Curador, National Herbarium of Suriname
University of Suriname, P.O. Box 9212, Paramaribo, SURINAME
São Paulo, SP, BRASIL
Stocker's Orchids
PO Box 188, Malanda, Qld 4885, AUSTRALIA
Faculdad de Ciencias. Departamento de Biologia. Universidad de
los Andes
Núcleo la Hachicera Mérida-Mérida, e-mail" VENEZUELA
19 Port Henderson, Gairloch, Ross-shire IV21 2AS, U.K.
2Cassila de Correo 24, 3342 Virasoro, Ctes, ARGENTINA
Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL
2 - Intraspecific variability
3 - Graduality of interspecific morphology
4 - Natural hybridization
5 - Artificial hybridization
6 - Wrong or not mentioned geographic origin
7 - Incomplete or inexact descriptions
8 - Similarity of descriptions
9 - Poor drawings
10 - Inexistant or not checked types
11 - Study based only on dired specimens
12 - Similar but not intgrated studies
13 - Absence of phenological data
14 - Absence of pollination studies
Examples of each case are shown